Author: A. M.

  • 2017 – 2020, the Association through collaborates with the Macedonian News Agency, in the project: “Upholding democratic values and change in society through journalism“. The goal of the project was to empower Macedonian citizens in making informed decisions on everyday issues affecting their lives, through watchdog journalism based on data and direct engagement with citizens through modern media channels.…

  • 2016 – 2017, the Association through participated in the project “The Society Project” in partnership with NOVATV.The aim of the project was to make a bilingual (Albanian and Macedonian) media project for special reporting and investigations, and a database for debates. An integrated newsroom was created between Portalb and Novatv and live debates were produced in Albanian…

  • 2015, the Association through participated in the project “It’s your money!” in partnership with aim of the project was to make video research stories on the most burning issues and problems in the largest cities in Macedonia and the way budget money is spent to solve these problems.

  • 2014, the Association through participated in the project “Accountable Municipalities through Active Citizenry” in partnership with BIRN Macedonia, BIRN Kosovo and Internews Kosova.The aim of the project was to conduct research, pre-election debates and interviews with mayors for the 2014 Local Elections in the largest cities in Macedonia, in Albanian and Macedonian language. Pre-election debates and interviews with mayoral candidates…

  • Since 2012, through, the Association collaborates with the fact-checking site, “Critical Thinking for Mediawize  Citizens – CriThink”, and The Media Fact Checking Service.Portalb republishes educational articles, fact-checking and other types of articles and videos that contribute to the fight against disinformation.