Reliable and Diverse Reporting in Albanian Language


Duration: 01.14.2024 – 31.03.2025

The Western Balkans Media for Change project is funded by the UK Government and implemented by the British Council in partnership with the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network, Thomson Foundation and The International NGO Training and Research Centre, INTRAC.

By producing gender-sensitive content, the project seeks to address the underrepresentation and misrepresentation of women and youth in media narratives.
By facilitating open public debates on important societal issues, the project aims to foster greater civic engagement and participation among the target audience: women and youth.
It aspires to contribute to the creation of a more informed, inclusive, and vibrant public sphere within the Albanian-speaking community in North Macedonia and beyond.
RESULTS: Increased access to accurate and reliable information for Albanian-speaking women and youth in North Macedonia, Western Balkan region and diaspora. Greater participation of Albanian-speaking women and youth in public debates on societal issues.